I have started cooking a lot more at home.  I am not a fan of cookbooks, but I really like watching a quick video showing you how to make good stuff.  There is a ton of people out there making cooking videos, but I think the best is FoodTube, by Jamie Oliver.  FoodTube, if you don’t know, is a network of half a dozen great chefs.  The videos are really well done and the meals are typically pretty simple and soooo good.  Here is a YouTube playlist with my favorites.

Yesterday I was cooking Donal Skehan’s Roast Chicken.  I actually looked at a couple recipes including one by Laura in the Kitchen.  She made a big deal about how important it is to be sure the chicken is thoroughly cooked and she had the oven at about the same temperature but for a totally different time (I think about 50% more).  She also stressed how important it is to use a thermometer.  I over cooked my chicken just a tad.  My point is this: it would be cool to have a few episodes on cooking tools.  I saw an episode where Jamie is showing kids knife skills.  I think an episode just on how to use a knife and maybe how to sharpen one would be great.  What is the best thermometer?  Is there one where I can tell the temp of the item without actually opening the oven?  I bought a crock pot but now wish I had gotten a dutch oven instead.  I don’t know that there would be a ton of episodes, but suggestions would be great.  I don’t even think you would have to give brand names, but know if a high quality knife is worth it or what to look for in a knife, those kinds of things are great for someone new to cooking like me.

Also, I get that your audience is mostly on the metric system, but it might be cool to have recipes with both in the details.  For that matter, having the recipe in the details would be great.  A lot of times it is a broken link to some site.  I know site traffic is important, but if you are ever going to remove a page, it would be nice.  Just a thought.  Great stuff.  Keep it up.

Evan and Apple
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Jason Bunnell