Category: Books

colonel william reeder through the valley

I just finished listening to episode 63, “Through The Valley: My Captivity in Vietnam” with Colonel William Reeder on The Jocko Podcast. Not ashamed to say that is not the first of Jocko’s podcasts that made me cry. These podcasts have become increasingly more important to me and I wanted to say why. In part as a thank you. In part to share with friends and family why I think they are worth listening to. And in part to hear myself say it to strengthen the resolve to make changes in my life that seem to be reiterated time and…

I just finished the book Moonwalking With Einstein – The Art And Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer. I enjoyed the book, but would only give it 3 out of 5 stars. Unlike other non-fiction books like The Code Book, I felt this book did little to actually show you how to do a lot of the things discussed in the book, which was what I really wanted. This was really little more than a man talking about his experience with learning how to improve memory. I wanted to briefly describe the methods mentioned in the book but also…