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This is my second blog.  My first blog, ideabastard.com (don’t even look, I nuked it), was a little all over the place and was in Drupal.  Drupal is a content management system like WordPress.  So I started this for two reasons.  First, I liked blogging.  It seems a little narcassistic but I enjoy keeping a journal and I don’t write anything too personal.  For a couple years now I have kept a timeline.  Basically, a minimalistic journal.  On this day I got my raise.  On this day my mom died.  It has about two dozen items each year.  So when I want to know when I got my car, I can quickly look it up.  This is like that with more words, pictures, and links.

But there is a second reason.  I like to play with technology.  And there is a new technology I want to play with.  There is a company called PageLines.  A couple years ago a friend of mine wanted me to start a business with him to develop websites and consult on search engine optimization.  He said I could work part time.  We even picked out a name.  Red Hot Gorilla.  I don’t know if it is a good name or not.  We didn’t get very far.  His name is Shaun Hoffmann and he passed away on September 28th 2012.  He had Type I diabetes.  Not long after PageLines announced they were going to take their main product and make it open source.  Huge.  And they were going to make it a Design Management System.  In other words, you had WordPress for the Content Management System backend and you would get something like PageLines for the Design Management System theme.

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